You can’t even get a coffee at night without peaking over your shoulder. What kind of a world do we live in? One filled with werewolves. And that is not acceptable.
You pay your taxes. You go to work. You raise a family. That life should not be under the threat of the werewolf virus that we must defend from. Organizations like Humans or Werewolf Lives (HOWL) only operate to cause evil in this world. If they really wanted to bring conciliation to our world they would consider their own necks and not those of werewolves. As stated by Joseph Veriticus, we are threatened by werewolves who operate under strict ideology that does not pass on this planet.
Werewolves believe that their role on earth is to keep the human population down by devouring us so that the rest of the world might live more peacefully. That is a load of baloney. If it weren’t for humans the black plague would still be infecting scores of species, not just human. If it weren’t for humans, species would not have returned to their native lands after being re-introduced by us. No, it’s not us who are the threat.
If there were no humans on earth, then the werewolves would simply move on the next species. Through our investigations, we have come across many mutilated rabbits, cats, birds and donkeys. Yes, donkeys. Man’s third best friend.
However, it is not their fangs that you must fear most. It is their words. Do not believe the words that HOWL and Werewolf Nation wish you to believe. They are lies. You are under threat and we can help.
Because of the stronger anti-werewolf laws that have been passed we are liberalized. Because of the Anti-Werewolf Forces, our liberties are protected.
16 years ago
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