To say that conditions in Spandau prison have deteriorated is understating the experience. Slime and dereliction cover the cement walls. Water puddles left over from rainy days remind you of having been somewhere better and drier. Beds remained unchanged for weeks. Blood paints the sinks with crimson speckles.
The four powers (US, UK, Soviet Union and France) are in depreciation mode here. Once Rudolf Hess is dead that’s it for the prison. The prisoners will be moved, the walls will crumble and the 111-year-old prison will be no more. The four powers claim it is to prevent Spandau being a shrine for Neo-Nazis. Sebastian “RuWolf” Fang believes it’s to hide all the secrets this terrible prison holds.
“I’ve seen some things that make my eyes jump out of my head,” said Mr Fang, finishing the last morsels of Soviet Union speciality prison food, rotting spinach and beans roll. “Like what exactly type of spinach is this?” He holds up the last piece of “spinach” between his fingers and shows its yellow colour. “I had no idea green spinach came in yellow,” said Mr Fang with a laugh.
There is no time frame for Rudolf Hess’ death. You can’t plan these kinds of things. But he is 93-years-old and there is no doubt that he has plunged in to senility and ill-health. A natural death cannot be far off.
Then there is RuWolf Fang. He is a sprite 66-year-old, lively as they come. Yes, he admits it is possibly because he is a werewolf. No, he doesn’t think it is because of the healthy food he’s fed. A natural death is miles away.
But he was given an unlimited prison sentence, the first of its kind, for inciting lycanthropy (IL) – a law that has not been in practice since the late 1700s. He has no idea when there will be a limit to his stay.
“It’s all fear. You guys (the media he means), the governments, the military, they all want you to be afraid. You should be. These Anti-Werewolf Forces are the scariest thing on earth. Prisons like Spandau should not exist. Nobody knows if this work is from government funding or from private enterprises. Nobody can answer it in government. Nobody can answer it on the street. And definitely, nobody can answer it in the Werewolf Nation. And we have been fighting these bastards for a decade.” Mr Fang sighed. He breathes in a bit and looks over his prison cell. “It’s all fear.”
RuWolf Fang was charged on December 12, 1986 for IL. He was sentenced one week later with no defence and no witnesses. He wrote an article that was widely published days before his sentencing, knowing full well that he was going to Spandau prison, a cemetery of written word. He claimed in the article that governments around the world should be dealing with bigger issues than werewolf activity. No government agency responded publicly to the article and it is unknown if they heeded any of his words after he was placed in Spandau. The AWWF still acts around the globe with impunity, with no transparency to their work. Any time they are asked to give interviews they respond only through the anonymous sourcing they love. Ostensibly this is to protect them from sourced responsibility. Regardless, they have western government support. And they act like it too.
“For years I could feel them chasing me. As a werewolf that’s just a skill. But even our human supporters would tell me that they sensed them, too; over looking their shoulders,” Mr Fang said.
The night the AWWF came knocking on his Berlin apartment door he was waiting. So why did he not run? In no uncertain terms, Mr Fang decided he had run enough.
“I was sitting across from Johnny Chen, as strong a werewolf if ever I had known one, and he was very relaxed on that day in May. He had been out all night with his human girlfriend and he had been able to tell her the truth. He told her everything about himself. It was something we discussed on our voyages to the Black Forest a decade before. Telling the truth was the key to relaxation. But it was truth within the group. Everything else outside the group was just theoretical.
“Johnny joined us only earlier this year. But the thing is he is very bright and picked up on what we were doing right away. So when he told me he had told his HUMAN girlfriend about his reality, I knew then I was sick of running. A weight had been lifted on my shoulders and I felt it was time to carry that weight to the Reichstag.”
Months before the speech, in his little Berlin apartment, Mr Fang met with his fellow Werewolf Nation members and told them that he felt the need for another shift in the werewolf movement.
Leading up the famed Reichstag speech on November 21, 1986, he wanted the human race to know the truth.
And he gave it to them.
On a wintery November evening, Mr Fang gave his speech in front of thousands of West Berliners who were left gobsmacked by the Werewolf Nation leader’s words. Thousands began crying out evil names and horrifying anti-Communist slogans. They were given the Werewolf Nation side of things. But that could not have mattered less.
“There we were telling them the most important fact of our existence and all they cared about was anti-communism. I felt we had been ignored right in front of our faces.”
But they weren’t ignored. Hours later an AAWF agent showed up at the Werewolf Nation after-party and spoke privately with Mr Fang. He told him that they weren’t pursuing him, so he could stay in Berlin. But if he left they were going to hunt and kill him.
This memory drives Mr Fang to stand up and shake his hands in the wet, stale Spandau prison air.
Three weeks later Mr Fang was arrested by the same agent, who had come with a group of AWWF members. According to Mr Fang, when he asked the agent why he was reneging on his words the agent said his words are nothing but currency to buy time. They needed time to build a special prison cell in Spandau prison, deep and hidden. By trusting the agent, Mr Fang had given them the time.
“What I really did was give them value to their words. I should have known they would come to me like they went to Louie. And now I rot like the yellow spinach. I don’t know what to do.”
Mr Fang’s shoulders then crumble like a tired mountain. Soon the walls in Spandau prison will follow.
Look for the last instalment tomorrow on Sebastian “RuWolf” Fang.
16 years ago
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