I've been up here much too long....much too long. I've seen the worst of man, heinous crimes upon their brothers, sisters........and the children...the children look dead. For in some times and in some places children are alive, safe. NO one appears safe..................WHAT THEY FEEL IS MY NAME..I'VE BEEN TAKING IT FOR SOMETIME......NOOOWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 9th, around 4 am, the most important and baffling situation the human race has ever encountered took place. Every effigy of Jesus on the planet ....just got off the cross and walked away. The phenomenon whipped the world up in a mass frenzy of paranoia. Our savior has left the premises and vanished..............
A drunk?.... Just look at him, slumped over, half passed out, cigarette burned to the filter in his finger tips.... is it him? Is this man to take my place? He's very strange looking! Not a handsome man, shaved head, missing teeth, lanky, not healthy at all. He is a strange being....without a care....without any real moral judgment, perhaps a pagan from my youth...... looking to the sun again? That would be a grand turn of luck but I know why I'm here. The end...the end of my story. For this drunk I look upon is the guardian of his fellow man,
the next "savior" if you will, or maybe the great destroyer of all that is....live or dead.
I remember the days I was a young man like him, a great time, but every one's youth gets better with age. The friends that I talked to, the ideas we shared, all radical milestones and the memories that carved today. Yet, nothing has changed.....Rome is still in power ... the lost souls, those of structured spirit. I was about the same age as him when I got the call, sorry, when I answered the call (one always has the choice). Free...... we are all free, right and wrong are abstract thoughts, intertwined to form the mystery of.... fate. See, my fate was served with friendship and fellowship, maybe brotherhood, but I took the passive way out. I chose love........ the only feeling in the universe that never ends. Though scars of fear rip dark holes in time, those places demons lurk.
She was 23 when I died. She showed me, as women do, how to love... cherish, how to be a man. I can't really tell how long it has been. How much time has gone by? The mid-age was so loud with callings for the most hideous prayers, asking for pointless metals and ownership of others........... sometimes called a marriage, mostly referred to as slavery........ To beg for great love then turn around and beat that very love with every fear and insecurity one can channel at that grand instance of weakness............ That is the root of all weakness and shackles most souls, most people, the fear that you are not the best you. This race stops when in the hands of a lover.
I don't believe it, I can't! This shell of a man, mind recoiling in heartache and loneliness, is to lead the spirit back into the hearts of the human race. But I can hear the chattering of demons in the shadows, whispering in his ears while he sleeps, and not the smallest sign of fear in his slobber. He dreams of that great love with the bravery of a million dead warriors....... he reminds me of a being that wanders through the halls of conscience...Odin the warrior poet, all father of his tribe. His time may end in the same way as Odin and I, hanging for wisdom. I hope that he isn't misused as I was, forming the perfect, divine fright to control the thoughts of the world...... the only freedom men and woman have is in their hopes and wishes, once that is controlled by any institution or tyrant the soul begins to die. I knew the moment that I gave up my physical self that the future was up to humanity............. i had to watch every person all the time. They hung me up there, like a scarecrow, chasing people from freedom and personal growth. Everything I lived and died for has been twisted to control the innocence of children and make them forget every soul's true mission, the golden rule, to be nice and helpful to every thing.....To grow into a loving mother..........or in the case of men, to quell the jealous breast, become gentle and peaceful.
A stir...... Without missing a step he bolts from his inebriated state pulling a razor sharp dagger from his person, dashing crazed into the night. Around the side of the house and over a fence without a thought, the man stalks......So I followed, but by the time i found him, he had a demon by the neck........ Once a human, the demon came from a lust for acceptance which led to the dark solitary life of poison....... Man made demon juice that leaves the chained in a state of terrible self gratification, harming all that stand in it's way.
"Leave now, get off drugs, there may be hope for you, but the next time I see you trying to sneak through a little girl's window........",he pauses to press the blade to the demon's ear," I'll eat your fucking skin."
With a quick motion he covers the demon's mouth and lops the ear off then leans in to whisper, "Hear me now?"
He lets go the wounded beast, and with a whimper the demon disappears into the night. He wipes the blade on his leg and brings the other arm up to soak up a mix of blood and rain water from his face. He turns and realizes that I am standing behind him. Without missing a beat he says,"Oh Jesus, I didn't see you there. Want a beer?" He walks right passed me and hops back over the fence, to take his seat and pulls two beers out of a half empty case.
"Come on .", he says while waving me over.
"Come have a beer, if you're really real?", he snickers,"Come on....You can tell me all about hell and punishment. I'm ready."
"That was the most hideous form of justice I've seen and it will probably work, I don't think that I can really say that it was wrong of you. Your motives where pure.", I said to him.
"So ... you're not hear to smite me?" he shrugs.
I look him right in the soul, right to the pit of his conscience, and try to break his smug sarcastic demeanor, replying in a stern voice," You don't know, do you?"
16 years ago
1 comment:
This is very esoteric. It's very coded and the look of your "copy" is attractive the maniac reader's eye.
Good work, Colonel.
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