A dark feeling reigned heavily on Garry Perry’s soul. He and the Breadman, with his fishnet in hand, had decided to go on a walk of the Slough area to find out what they could about all this Zombie stuff. But it was not something he could recount as being necessary however much the Breadman insisted it was. He sat on his deck awaiting the Breadman to bring his fishing net that was supposed to be big enough to capture any game and he begun to nervously twiddle his stumpy thumbs. He got up and then turned around to sit doen again. This waltz continued until the light pitter-patter of the Breadman’s feet broke the odd silence ruling over Finn Slough.
“Ya-ago?” the Breadman asked. He was still wearing the confident grin on his face the he had fashioned in Char McCool’s house hours before.
Garry Perry sighed deeply and did not answer but moved slowly off his bottom and nodded. The trouble of where to search for Clay Biffley and the Zombie had not been agreed to and there was much to discuss before they left, but as the Breadman moved his lips, Garry Perry only listened casually, his eyes falling away with each, “Ya me think” that the Breadman spoke of.
The next move was to head down No 4 Rd to check out one of Clay Biffley’s favourite places, the Strawberry U-Pick. The Breadman had told Garry Perry that this was the place to check because if Clay Biffley was picking berries near Horseshoe Slough, then there was a high probability that he was actually stealing from the U-Pick and that the police had not picked up on this factoid yet. Of this he was sure of.
The road was hazy from the summer heat and waves of humidity broke their eye’s focus as they walked down the long route. It was at least 1 kilometre from Finn Slough to ???? Strawberry U-Pick and this gave both men time discuss further investigations should they not find what the Breadman believed to be a sure bet.
“Oh, me thinka-loo that he no run-a-mile to get lost,” the Breadman theorized.
Garry Perry was sharing little of his mind and listened carelessly to the Breadman’s words.
“If ol’ Cliffy-pal make a run-a-mile he not far, ya know.”
The march towards the Strawberry U-Pick the Breadman became stuck on how much had changed for him in the last year, since he had moved in to Finn Slough. He told Gerry Perry that he felt more at ease then ever before in his life and he even said that he would like to get to know about the history of the Slough.
“Naw, ya naw wanna,” Gerry Perry said angrily. “Too much to knew to ya.”
The Breadman kept it up, though and repeated how much he felt there was a lot to learn about the history of his adopted home and how he wished to take that on.
“Budy don’t knew what it is to be Slough,” Garry Perry said wiping his forehead again with his arm.
“Then ‘bout Zomb-eyas? Long story told ‘bout Zomb-eyas in da Slough.”
“Me hurd da Zomb-eya’s been ‘ere for even longer dan ya,” the Breadman said laughingly.
The Breadman was so enchanted by his own humour that he failed to realize he had passed the farm entrance. If it were not for the sign that read: “REGGIE FIREFEATHER’S STRAWBERRY U-PICK RE-OPENING – DR IVE SLOW: ENTER AT OWN RISK” he would have kept on walking. As he approached the sandy driveway he paused for a second and wore an unconfident look on his face. Finally he joined Garry Perry.
“Ya-ooh Reggie Firefeather, we enter a’ our risk,” the Breadman said in a heroic tone. He then looked over to Garry Perry and said: “But if you the Zomb-eya, then id ya at risk-loo!”
16 years ago
1 comment:
Slough language is good. I smell an ongoing series.
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